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Getting There is Half the Battle: Wisconsin’s Photo ID Law, Access to DMV Services, and...

All Voting Is Local, LWVWI, WI Disability Voter Coalition | Published on 6/2/2021


Getting There report

Our democracy works best when everyone participates. Matched with Wisconsin’s needless and discriminatory photo ID law, limited access to DMV services create barriers to the ballot for tens of thousands of Wisconsin voters. To protect and expand our freedom to vote, we must ensure full and equal access to these services. The report provides concrete recommendations to ensure all Wisconsinites can access the DMV to obtain an ID to vote, regardless of who they are and where they live....

The report uses data from the U.S. Census Bureau, communications with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT), existing research, and interviews with voters and voting rights advocates to highlight how limited access to the DMV infringes on Wisconsinites’ freedom to vote. The report notes the additional barriers for people with disabilities as they navigate accessibility-related challenges at the DMV above and beyond simply finding the time to get there.