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Join the League

Membership in the League of Women Voters is open to people ages 16 and older. Your membership gives the League the political influence needed to build a voice for citizens and a force for change. It also allows us to hold local programs and educational forums.



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Benefits of a LWV Membership

You can have an impact on elections, be knowledgeable about various topics and influence public policy. As a member of LWV, you can
  • Be Informed: Gain access to our programs, publications, and discussions.
  • Serve Your Community: Register voters, educate the public, and meet with government officials at local, state, and national levels.
  • Create Change: Study issues, contact your representatives and shape public policy
  • Meet New People: Our members are welcoming, smart, supporting, engaging and hopeful
  • Be Active: Be involved to the extent you choose to be.
By joining LWVLA, you automatically become a member of the following Leagues:
You will add your voice to a powerful force of members from all 50 states; Washington, D.C. and US Territories.

Membership Types

Register for a 12-month League membership as an individual or as a household. Household memberships include discounted dues for a second member who resides at the same address, such as a spouse, partner, child, parent, or roommate. Are you currently a student? Please sign up for the student membership.

You will receive an email reminder 30 days before expiration with instructions for renewing your membership.

  Types Fees How your fees are allocated
 First Year Individual Trial   Membership* $35.00 $32.00 Waived $3.00
 First Year Household Trial   Membership* $70.00 $48.00 Waived $22.00
 Individual Membership $70.00 $32.00 $30.00 $8.00
 Household Membership $105.00 $48.00 $45.00 $12.00
 Lifetime Members (> 50
 years of membership)

No Charge      

*The LWVWI has waived fees for first-year trial memberships

The LWVUS offers free Student Membership, hoping to gain new life-long members with the “energy and passion of the next generation”.

Individual and Households (2 members at the same address) one-year trial memberships are offered. The LWVLA pays the national and state fees not covered by the First-year trial membership fees. LWVWI waives fees paid to the state in support of expanding the diversity of League membership.

Tips for Club Express
To streamline office procedures in 2020, LWVLA started using Club Express on September 1 to automate membership sign-ups, manage the event calendar, centralize volunteering opportunities, and track donations. A few tips:
  • You will receive two emails from Club Express during your join/renew process. (1) A signup or renewal confirmation email and (2) a payment confirmation email. The signup confirmation email will include your username and password, but new members will not be able to logon until payment has processed. If you sign-up as a household, your secondary member will get an email with his/her own username and password.
  • Members who want to renew online or donate online must logon by clicking "Member Login". 
  • Forgot your username or password? Contact ClubExpress directly at or (847) 457 - 2582

Payments Methods

LWVLA uses Paypal to process credit, debit, and Paypal transactions. We accept MasterCard, Visa, Amex, and Discover. If you join/renew online and prefer to pay by check, please make the check out to “LWVLA” and mail it to PO Box 363, La Crosse, WI 54601. New members will not have access to the Members Logon until payment has cleared.  If you would like to request financial assistance with dues, please contact us. If you would like to gift someone a membership, please contact us.