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Date: 1/28/2025
Subject: January 28, 2025 News Update
From: League of Women Voters of the La Crosse Area

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January 28, 2025 News Update
Empower Voters, Defend Democracy

"Wisconsin Supreme Court Election:
Ethics and Money"
January 28, 2025 - 6 to 7:30 PM
Join the League of Women Voters of Wisconsin for a virtual webinar at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, January 28.  This program  will provide voters with information they need for the  Wisconsin Supreme Court Election this spring.
Speakers include: Jay Heck from Common Cause; former Supreme Court Justice Janine Geske; Attorney Doug Keith from the Brennan Center.

The Case for Final Five Voting 
LeaderEthics - in person
January 29, 2025 noon
Final Five Voting has garnered considerable attention in recent years. Many feel that Final Five Voting is the best available model to counter the effects of political divisiveness. The legislature in Wisconsin has been considering the model during the past two legislative cycles. This program would involve a  moderated conversation to learn more about this timely and important effort to break the stranglehold of the political divide. 

 Choosing a WI Supreme Court Justice
League of Women Voters of Dane County
February 6, 2025 - 6:30 PM
Wisconsin voters will elect a Wisconsin Supreme Court justice in April. The public is invited to join us for this virtual webinar as three area experts explain different aspects of what voters need to consider in their WI Supreme Court justice decision. Our speakers will take questions from the audience.

Winter Webinar  (virtual)
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Improving Civic Health
Civic health is the manner in which communities come together to define and address public problems. Whether the issue is affordable housing, decreased funding for schools, an aging population, failing infrastructure, or racial inequities, the problems are big, complicated and not easily solved. Further, individuals within communities may have different views on, and be affected differently, by the issues. Is the civic health where we live strong enough to help our community do the hard work that needs to be done?
Asking and considering this question has never been more important than it is in 2025, when we see record levels of public distrust in key institutions, polarization among our community members, decline in local media, and serious questions about the strength of democracy worldwide.
Speaker Information: Mary Beth Collins (JD, MA) is the Executive Director of the UW-Madison Center for Community and Nonprofit Studies.

 Resolve to Vote in 2025!
Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - Primary Election
Absentee ballots will be mailed beginning January 28, 2025. In-person Absentee Voting will begin on February 4, 2025.
  Double-check your voter registration at 
There are several ways to increase your "voting knowledge." The League of Women Voters of the La Crosse Area has those available under the 2025 Elections tab on their home page.  
"Voting knowledge" may also be increased on Candidates questions and answers are posted there. You can compare the candidates and decide for whom you want to vote before going to the polls or filling out your absentee ballot. 

Mayoral Candidate Conversations 
The League of Women Voters of the La Crosse Area is pleased to be involved in this civic effort to provide valuable information to the voters of La Crosse. Each candidate has almost 20 minutes to introduce themselves to you and explain their priorities for the City of La Crosse.
Access to the recordings are available Here
If you have comments about these recordings, our Leslie Wegener would like to hear from you. 

Forums Coordinator

Leslie Wegener

Primary Feb 18, 2025
Election Day April 1, 2025 

New Membership System
Coming Soon
Starting February 1, 2025, all members will join and renew using a membership system managed by LWVUS. Don't worry! You can still join and renew with your local League, the process will just be a little different.
Keep an eye out for a letter with information from your local League about the new process for joining/renewing your membership.

Read * Think * Vote
Information on our website. 
Find us on Facebook, YouTubeInstagram, and on TikTok.  

Your Vote is your Voice

Empower voters. Defend democracy.

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Contact Us:
PO Box 363
La Crosse, WI 54601