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Date: 5/28/2024
Subject: May 28, 2024 News Update
From: La Crosse Area League of Women Voters

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May 28, 2024 News Update
Everyone Vote!   Are You Ready?

Thank You for Serving! 

May/June Book Club
June 10, 2024 
Note: This will be the only Book Club meeting for both May and June.
For more information contact:
Maureen Kinney  

July Book Club
July 29, 2024 
In the aftermath of the 2020 presidential election, Donald Trump and many around him, including certain other elected Republican officials, intentionally breached their oath to the constitution, they ignored the rulings of dozens of courts, plotted to overturn a lawful election, and provoked a violent attack on our Capitol. Liz Cheney, one of the few Republican officials to take a stand against these efforts, witnessed the attack first-hand, and then helped lead the Congressional Select Committee investigation into how it happened. In Oath and Honor , she tells the story of this perilous moment in our history, those who helped Trump spread the stolen election lie, those whose actions preserved our constitutional framework, and the risks we still face.

Think Local!
Community Engagement Sessions 
The referendum proposes the consolidation of Emerson and Spence Elementary Schools at a new building located at the Hogan Administrative Center site, along with the consolidation of State Road and Hintgen Elementary Schools at the State Road site with a building addition. The proposal carries a total cost of $53.5 million.
In anticipation of these critical decisions, the Board of Education has outlined three focus questions to guide the discussions:
1. What questions do you have regarding the referendum?
2. What opportunities do you envision with the new or improved facilities?
3. Is there any additional information that could aid us in the referendum process?

The School District of La Crosse encourages all residents to participate in these sessions and contribute to the collective dialogue.

UMRR Annual Meeting 
To learn more about the program or to register, follow the link below.

LWVWI Annual Meeting 
This year's theme is Tipping Points & Shared Purposes - Challenges of 2024 & Beyond: What We Need to do This Year to Move Through Them Together. Issues we face today affect us in more ways than the obvious. How do we encourage everyone to come together again in our hyper-polarized world? From civics education to artificial intelligence to fair redistricting and beyond, we explore how to find balance before reaching the tipping points.

FORMAT: registration for virtual option through May 30
DATE: May 31 - June 1, 2024
LOCATION: Oneida Hotel and Conference Center, Green Bay, WI

Read * Think * Vote
Information found on our pages is from verified sources.
Read these latest stories now. 
La Crosse updates aldermanic districts to align with state redistricting changes. 
Lawsuit Filed Seeking Relief for Voters with Disabilities
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If you want to know more about membership in the League or what we do in our community, visit our member hub page. Find all the choices to volunteer; you decide how much to participate. We are a congenial group of people that does great work.

Heads Up!
Renewals for League Membership Begin Soon

Preparing for Elections in 2024

Your Vote is your Voice. Use it.

Empower voters. Defend democracy.

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PO Box 363
La Crosse, WI 54601