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Date: 4/1/2024
Subject: LWV Lunch & Learn, April 10, 11:30 am
From: LWV of La Crosse

Our topic is “Upper Mississippi River Refuge Centennial”Weather permitting, come prepared for an early spring hike in the Refuge after the meeting.

Program Information:
A century ago, a monumental movement of citizens petitioned Congress to create the largest "wildlife preserve" ever in order to save their favorite upper Mississippi River backwaters from being drained and converted to farmland.

Presenter Information:
Hallie Schulz has worked at the US Fish and Wildlife Service for 20 years as a “Refuge Ranger” at various sites and has been with the Upper Miss. River Refuge for 8 years. Her passion is all about connecting visitors with the resource and encouraging recreation on our public lands.

Celebrate the Refuge Centennial 2024:


Lunch is available for $20, or you can attend for free without ordering lunch.  Register at the button below to reserve your lunch or a Zoom link if you cannot attend in person. Lunches must be reserved and paid for by the end of day Wednesday, 4/3, so that we can provide an exact meal count. Pre-paid lunches are nonrefundable. A recording of the program will be posted on our website the day after the live event.

Contact us at with any questions.
We hope to see you there!