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Date: 4/2/2024
Subject: April 2, 2024 News Update
From: League of Women Voters of the La Crosse Area

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April 2, 2024 News Update
Everyone Vote!   Are You Ready?

Today is Election Day
Your Vote is Your Voice!
Want a  list from the county with polling places?  Find it  Here
Need to find your polling place? Go   Here
Want to know about acceptable photo ID?  Go   Here
Acceptable proof of residence to register to vote? Go  Here 

We support fully funded elections. 
Vote No on 2 constitutional amendments. 
April 2, 2024
❌VOTE NO Q1: For our elections to run smoothly, election workers need to be able to do their jobs safely and securely. Limiting election funding deprives them from needed resources to safeguard our elections and ensure all Wisconsinites have equal opportunity to exercise their freedom to vote. We support fully-funded elections and that’s why we’re voting NO in April.

❌VOTE NO Q2: Elections are a lot of work. Clerks rely on a whole host of outside experts, volunteers, and community members to make sure our elections are run smoothly and the results are accurate. A handful of politicians want to make the jobs of our election heroes even harder. 👎That’s why we’re voting no this April!

Free Rides for Voting Day! 
Thanks, La Crosse MTU!

Registered Write-in Candidates
Your clerk will have
the list, ask to see it. 
Information on the school board candidates has been gathered by WKBT and by the La Crosse Tribune.
Find the WKBT video of the candidates and the La Crosse Tribune interviews  Here
Both are contained within the  forum page, linked from the front page of our web site. 

Get Concert Tickets
#iVoted Concerts is back for what is sure to be a very busy 2024 election year. To celebrate, the non-partisan non-profit has partnered with Propeller for fans to take action and score tickets to Madison and Milwaukee concerts

The public can do so by submitting a selfie from outside their polling place or at home with a blank & unmarked ballot. Future voters can score tickets by sharing what election they will be 18 for. Those ineligible to vote can check out a show of their choice by letting #iVoted know which show they’re most hoping to win tickets to. All tickets are on a first come, first serve basis with the option to take additional action and accumulate more Propeller “points” to secure additional artist prizes and more.

April Lunch & Learn
April 10, 2024
11:30 am - 1:00 pm
La Crosse District Visitor Center
Lunches must be reserved and paid for by the end of the day Wednesday, 4/3. Pre-paid lunches are nonrefundable. If you have any difficulty with registration, please contact us at
League members will visit the refuge and celebrate 100 years of wildlife preservation on the Mississippi. A century ago, a monumental movement of determined citizens petitioned Congress to create the largest "wild-life preserve" ever in order to save their favorite upper Mississippi River backwaters from being drained and converted to farmland. The Refuge stretches 261 river miles from Wabasha, Minnesota to Rock Island, Illinois, protecting over 240,000 acres of Mississippi River floodplain. The Refuge hosts over 3.7 million annual visits for hunting, fishing, wildlife observation, and other recreation.
Presenter Information:
Hallie Schulz has worked for the US Fish and Wildlife Service for 20 years as a “Refuge Ranger” at various sites and has been with the Upper Miss River Refuge for 8 years. Her passion is all about connecting visitors with the resource and
encouraging recreation on your public lands.

April Book Club
April 29, 2024 
6:30 - 8:00 pm
River Place Apartments
For more information contact:
Maureen Kinney

May/June Book Club
June 10, 2024 
6:30 - 8:00 pm
River Place Apartments
Note: This will be the only Book Club meeting for both May and June.
For more information contact:
Maureen Kinney

Read * Think * Vote
Check Out  In The News
Want to Join League?  Need More Information?
If you want to know more about membership in the League or what we do in our community, visit our member hub page. Find all the choices to volunteer; you decide how much to participate. We are a congenial group of people that does great work.

Preparing for Elections in 2024
Your Vote is your Voice. Use it.

Empower voters and defend democracy.

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Contact Us:
PO Box 363
La Crosse, WI 54601