Join us for a Holiday Social and a fun hands-on chance to try Final Five Voting yourself!
Members and interested friends are invited to get acquainted (or reacquainted) at the December Lunch & Learn as we prepare for a busy 2024 election year and the Centennial Year Celebration of the League of Women Voters of the La Crosse Area.
We will review the innovation of a Final Five Voting process. Sara Eskrich, Democracy Found, and Lee Rasch, Leader Ethics, will review the theory and guide us through a mock Final Five election. Additionally, they will provide an update on the current bipartisan bill in the Wisconsin legislature to create Final Five Voting (a top five primary and instant run-off election model) for all U.S. House and Senate seats from Wisconsin. Participants may want to review Katherine Gehl’s 17min TED Talk that provides a brief overview of the theory and key solution.
Katherine Gehl TED Talk
Sara Eskrich, Democracy Found
Democracy Found was co-founded by Wisconsin business leaders Katherine Gehl and Austin Ramirez in 2018.
The initiative came together based on Gehl’s origination of “Politics Industry Theory”: the use of competition theory to diagnose our political system’s problems and create innovative solutions like Final Five Voting. This theory and analysis is published in her book, The Politics Industry, and Harvard Business Review article Fixing U.S. Politics (both co-authored with HBS Professor Michael Porter). Gehl’s 17min TED Talk provides a brief overview of the theory and key solution.
Lee Rasch, Leader Ethics
Bob Maline, Bridge the Divide
Program Resources:
To learn more about alternative voting methods, including Final Five, please visit the following:
Wisconsin Senate Bill 528
PBS News, September 2023: Lawmakers propose Final-Five voting
LWV La Crosse January 2021 Webinar
Democracy Found: Nonpartisan Political Innovation in Wisconsin
Final Five Voting Advocates:
LWVWI 2021 Issues Briefing Keynote Address "Final Five Voting"
LWV Dane County Study
Data and proportional Representation LWV Oregon