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April Lunch & Learn: Climate Actions in the Urban, Suburban, and Rural Coulee Region
About this event

Jared Greeno
City of La Crosse Wastewater Treatment Superintendent
Rob Tyser
Mississippi Valley Conservancy Board Member
Dave Vetrano
Biologist, Fisheries expert, Farmer
Activities in our own backyard are helping to mitigate impacts from and reduce contributions to climate change. The April Lunch and Learn program will feature three distinct efforts in the Coulee Region that will hopefully inspire us and continue the momentum for helping our climate future.
- Jared Greeno will speak about City of La Crosse Water Utility's investment in state-of-the-art technology for reducing pollution, energy use and its carbon footprint.
- Rob Tyser will speak about how the Mississippi River Valley Conservancy Climate Action Plan has focused on conserving and managing natural land to combat the effects of climate change.
- Dave Vetrano will speak about innovations in agricultural practices, including how crop management and animal grazing can help minimize climate changing inputs from the agricultural sector as well as make us more resilient to climate change.
Carolyn Mahlum-Jenkins will also provide a brief overview of the Upper Mississippi River Region Inter-League Organization, a four-state collaboration of LWV state and local chapters concerned with environmental issues impacting the Upper Mississippi River watershed.
Zoom: link to the Zoom event will be provided in your confirmation email.
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