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CLICK HERE to volunteer for Voter Services at the DMV on Mondays and Fridays.                                                                                                                                                               CLICK HERE to volunteer for Voter Services at the DMV on Mondays and Fridays.    

Empowering Voters
Defending Democracy

Spring Primary
Tuesday, February 18
Everyone Vote!

Election Day Reminders

from the

Wisconsin Election Commission

1. Polls are open from 7 a.m.—8 p.m. Voters in line by 8 p.m. will be allowed to cast their ballot.

 2. Check your polling place on my

3. You can register to vote or change your registration on Election Day. To do so, bring a valid
 Proof of Residence with you to the polls.

4. You will need a valid Photo ID to vote. If you do not have a valid ID, you must be offered a
provisional ballot, and you must submit a valid ID within three days in order for your vote to be    

5. College Student Voters: check your college voting page for instructions on what to bring to the

6. Wisconsin voters may request curbside voting or assistance with voting from anyone other than their employer or union representative.

2024 my vote clickable image
2024 vote411 clickable image
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QUESTIONS ABOUT VOTING? CALL THE VOTER  HELPINE: 608-285-2141.                                                                                                                                                              QUESTIONS ABOUT VOTING? CALL THE VOTER  HELPINE: 608-285-2141. 

The League of Women Voters opposes
the SAVE Act.

Contact Congress by clicking the image below.

In a Nutshell

Objections to the SAVE Act:

**All voters would have to provide citizenship documents when registering to vote or simply updating their voter registration.

**Millions of eligible voters do not have easy access to required documents such as birth certificates or passports.

**Voters in every state are already required to affirm or verify their

citizenship status when registering to vote—violators are breaking the law.

**The SAVE Act could disenfranchise millions of American voters.

...and more!

Read about the SAVE Act by clicking below.


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The League of Women Voters of the La Crosse Area,
founded in 1924, is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization
working to protect and expand voting rights and
ensure everyone is represented in our democracy.

Our vision is a democracy where every person has the desire,
the right, the knowledge and the confidence to participate.

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